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9 Nostradamus predictions for 2015

Nostradamus published predictions for 10 Centuries.
His predictions, are considered among the most prolific and trustworthy.
Let's see 9 Nostradamus predictions for 2015.

9 Nostradamus predictions for 2015

1. In 2015 the United States will suffer from
the strongest earthquake
which will lead to humanitarian catastrophe.
Like it or not, we will soon find out.
wrecked ships

2. In 2015 the crises will come to
France and Germany,
and the leaders of 4 other world powers.
Most likely someone will try to kill them.
barricades on the streets of Kiev during winter revolution of 2014

3. The concept of "taxes" will cease to exist,
and scientists will make some great discoveries,
in particular, create an elixir of eternal youth.
mad scientist

4. Cheap electricity, advanced technologies in solar systems,
which will stabilize the world economic situation.
the sun

5. Social standards of living will improve all around the world.
But financial crisis will be the biggest problem for the US.
9 Nostradamus predictions for 2015

6. Mount Vesuvius will erupt in the late 2015 or early 2016.
volcano eruption

7. New messiah will be born in 2015
who will save civilization
from evil and depravity(타락) in more distant future.
9 Nostradamus predictions for 2015

8. In 2015 Nostradamus predicts new religion.
This religion will start somewhere in Russia
and by 2040 will be the only religion in the world.
9 Nostradamus predictions for 2015

9. In the first half of 2015 there will be
a serious conflict in the Middle East.
Iran will announce ultimatum(최후통첩) to Turkey
and because of this
the world will be on the verge of World War III.
9 Nostradamus predictions for 2015

  • 中昰 2015.02.23 09:11

    위 본문을 읽으시는 데 독자가 꼭 유의하셔야 할 내용입니다:
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    그의 예언을 해석한 것입니다.
    노스트라다무스는 본문처럼 직접적으로 예언하지 않고
    극히 상징적이고 에두른 표현의 4행시 형식으로 썼으므로,
    반드시 해석을 거쳐야만 그 뜻을 파악할 수 있습니다.
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    2차세계대전 때 히틀러는 그의 예언을 변조 곡해하여 심리전에 이용하기도 했습니다. 
    노스트라다무스 예언 연구자들은 현재 전해지는 그의 예언 싯구들이

    과연 원본인지 여부부터 따져야 하는 상황이기도 합니다.
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    "어떤 이가 그의 예언 싯구들 중에서 어떤 내용을 해석하니 그렇게 풀이되더라" 정도로
    이해하셔야 합니다.