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노스트라무스 2017 예언, "남북한 통일, 김정은 러시아 망명"

by 啞嵓 posted Nov 26, 2016


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노스트라무스 2017년 예언 Nostradamus Predictions For 2017

"남북한이 통일되고, 김정은은 러시아로 망명한다"

<게시자 주: 재미로만 보시길 바랍니다.

노스트라무스가 직설적으로 예언한 것이 아니고

그의 예언을 뒷날 연구자들이 "해석"한 것에 불과한 것입니다.

그의 예언서 "Les Propheties(The Prophecies)"는

프랑스 프로방스 방언, 희랍어, 이태리어, 라틴어가 섞인  

모두 1000편(58편 유실, 942편만 전승)의 4행시(Quatrains)로 지어졌고,

전부 지극히 상징적인 표현들로 서술되어 있어

예언을 현실에 맞추기 위해서는  

전편 여기저기 흩어져 있는 예언 내용들을 뫃아 해석해야 합니다.

따라서 사람마다 예언을 달리 해석할 수 있습니다.

어떤 이유든, 적확한 예언 못지 않게 틀린 예언들도 많습니다.>


5 Nostradamus Predictions for 2017! 

클릭=>  4분 8초

게시일: 2016. 11. 20.

<위 동영상에선 아래 기술된 5번부터 1번까지 역순으로 설명합니다.> 

5 Predictions of Nostradamus 2017!

Over the past few years, there have been various predictions

that have not only been scary but have also been spot on.

Some people claim that way back in 2000, an episode of the Simpsons predicted

that Donald Trump would be the president in 2016 and

as you have seen, it became true.

We have compiled a list of predictions that are bound to happen in 2017

that some people have defined as Nostradamus, in memory of the great French seer.

So prepare to be completely amazed with these 5 Nostradamus Predictions for 2017!

Lets begin!

1. World War III 세계대전이 발발한다
Nostradamus was a great French seer who was famed for various predictions

during his time.

It is claimed that he predicted the great depression,

the rise of Adolf Hitler and many other things that later came to pass,

including the World Trade Center attacks.

He died in 1566 but before then,

it is suggested that he also predicted that Donald Trump would be

president of the United States.

Besides that, conspiracy theorists have also predicted that Donald Trump would

start WWIII after he becomes president.

The same claimed that Trump would initiate a nuclear war

that would bring in many nations of the world.

And this.... is bound to happen in 2017.

We hope not though....

2. China Will Make Bold Moves 중국이 약진한다 
Nostradamus predicted that China will make very bold moves

and great strides in 2017.

We can already see how china is impacting the global economy.

According to Nostradamus, China will be the nation

that cures the great economic imbalance experienced in the world.

Since 1978, China has moved from being a mere marginal player in the global economy

to a mega player with the safest cards to play.

Is it also possible that China may become the next super power.

We are yet to find that out

but if the moves that China has taken in the recent past are anything to go by,

then this possibility is not far-fetched.

3. North Korea & South Korea Merger 남북한이 하나가 된다
What is the possibility that North Korea and South Korea will merge?

Well, Nostradamus predicted that in 2017,

North and South Korea will merge and become one nation.

Amidst all these, Kim Jong Un, the North Korean strongman will be dethroned

and will run and seek asylum in Russia.

Since 2011 when Kim Un took over power from his father upon his death,

he has proven to be more dangerous than his father was.

He has already executed several people by firing squad,

among them his closest family members and relatives.

He has already tested a nuclear weapon during this time

and threatened to use it against the United States.

4. Italy Will Face Financial Hardship 이태리는 재정 곤란에 빠진다 
Nostradamus also predicted that the Italian economy will experience

great hardship and will be the reason for the collapse of the EU economy

and not Spain or Greek.

As you probably didnt know,

the Italian banking industry is already on the verge of collapsing.

18 percent of the loans in these banks are already non-performing.

In the coming days, it is likely that there will be more and more of the decline

in these loans due to a rising number of loans.

Reviving this economy will require the sacrifices of many people,

including the entire EU...

5. The Third Antichrist 적그리스도가 등장한다
Nostradamus predicted that 2017 would bring the rise of the third antichrist.

This rise could actually result in the beginning of World War 3 –

a nuclear war or biological warfare that really sustain for 27 years.

However, there has been rumors that the war would be started by Russia or China.

According to the Nostradamus

Society of America, China would team up with a few Muslims countries

to destroy Christian countries.

Lets just hope this doesnt happen....


<다른 해석>

Nostradamus Predictions For 2017 

클릭=>  7분 19초

게시일: 2016. 9. 8.