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Murphy's laws
["머피의 법칙"이라는 책의 번역판이 이미 국내에 나와 있으나 법칙 수는 계속 증가되고 있음(최창균 홈페이지 News No. 377-380 참조); 법칙 제2권이 나왔을 때 KIST 윤창구 박사(최창균 홈페이지 News No. 191, 277, 333 참조)께 드린 적이 있음]

머피의 법칙

위키백과 ― 우리 모두의 백과사전.

이 문서는 토막글입니다. 서로의 지식을 모아 알차게 문서를 완성해 갑시다.

머피의 법칙은 어떤 일이 잘못되어 가는 상황에 대해 이야기할 때 서양에서 흔히 사용되는 말이다. 머피의 법칙에 따르면, “어떤 일을 하는 데에 둘 이상의 방법이 있고 그것들 중 하나가 나쁜 결과(disaster)를 불러온다면 누군가가 꼭 그 방법을 사용한다,” 1949년 미국 공군에서, 인간이 중력에 얼마나 견딜 수 있는지에 대한 실험을 할 때 엔지니어로 있었던 에드워드 머피(영어: Edward A. Murphy)의 이름을 따서 지어진 이름이다.

최근 머피의 법칙은 과학적으로 옳음이 증명되었다. 첫번째 예시인 버터를 바른 빵의 경우를 보면 지구의 중력과 빵이 낙하하기 시작하는 높이를 고려할 때 결코 빵은 한바퀴 이상 회전하지 못한다. 두번째 예시인 우산을 가지고 오지 않은 날을 보면, 지역에 따라 비가 오는 날이 1년의 80%를 넘는 경우가 있다. 때문에 우산을 가지고 다니지 않아서 비를 맞는 날이 그렇지 않은 날보다 많아질 수 있다. 세번째 예시는 두번째 예시의 역이다. 네번째 예시인 차선이 막히는 경우를 보면 확률상 자신의 차선이 다른 차선보다 빨리 줄어들 가능성은 항상 작다. 때문에 다른 차선이 더 빨리 줄어드는 것이 당연하다. 다섯번째 예시는 학교에 정문과 후문이 있는데, 후문이 잠겨 있어서 정문으로 힘들게 돌아가서 들어오면, 그제서야 후문이 열리고 학생들이 들어온다는 것이다.

버터를 바른 빵을 떨어뜨리면 언제나 버터가 발라진 쪽이 바닥으로 향하게 떨어진다.
     -( 그러므로 고양이 등에 버터를 바르면 영원히 떨어지지 않고 공중에서 맴돈다.)
우산을 깜박하고 가져오지 않은 날에는 비가 온다.
우산을 가져온 날에는 비가 오지 않는다.
차선이 막혀서 다른 차선으로 갔는데 전에 있던 차선이 더 빨리 빠진다.
군대를 가려고 머리를 깎았는데 군대 면제가 된다.

"The humor of Murphy's Law leaves you laughing at the end of the day.
If you make it through a Murphy win!"


• If anything can go wrong, it will
Corollary: It can
Corollary sent by Dr. Allen Roberds
Corollary: It should
MacGillicuddy's Corollary: At the most inopportune time
Corollary sent by Earl R. Johnson
Extension: it will be all your fault, and everyone will know it.
Extension sent by Dean A. Izett

• If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong
Extreme version:
If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the FIRST to go wrong
Extreme version sent by Neal Miller

• If anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway

• If you perceive that there are four possible ways in which something can go wrong, and circumvent these, then a fifth way, unprepared for, will promptly develop
Corollary: It will be impossible to fix the fifth fault, without breaking the fix on one or more of the others
Corollary sent by Sean Cheshire

• Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse

• If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something

• This site won't open when you want to show someone what exactly Murphy laws are
Sent by Dinni

• Remember:
Shit happens

• Murphy's law is intrinsic.
Sent by wolfram

• And on the eighth day God said;"O.K. Murphy, you take over!
Sent by Robert A. Silvestri

• Murphy's Law of Thermodynamics
Things get worse under pressure.

• The Murphy Philosophy
Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse.

• Quantization Revision of Murphy's Laws
Everything goes wrong all at once.

• Murphy's Constant
Matter will be damaged in direct proportion to its value

• Murphy's Law of Research
Enough research will tend to support whatever theory.

• Research supports a specific theory depending on the amount of funds dedicated to it.
Sent by Tony '68

• Addition to Murphy's Laws
In nature, nothing is ever right. Therefore, if everything is going right ... something is wrong.

• Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

• It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.

• Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.

• Rule of Accuracy: When working toward the solution of a problem, it always helps if you know the answer.
Corollary: Provided, of course, that you know there is a problem.

• Nothing is as easy as it looks.

• Everything takes longer than you think.

• Everything takes longer than it takes.
Sent by Jon Carpenter

• If anything simply cannot go wrong, it will anyway.

• Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first.

• Every solution breeds new problems.

• The legibility of a copy is inversely proportional to its importance.

• no matter how perfect things are made to appear, Murphy's law will take effect and screw it up.
Sent by Mitch

You cannot successfully determine beforehand which side of the bread to butter.

• The chance of the buttered side of the bread falling face down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet.
Sent by Paul Breen

• The chance of the bread falling with the buttered side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet.

" More Laws of Selective Gravitation."
• A falling object will always land where it can do the most damage.
• A shatterproof object will always fall on the only surface hard enough to crack or break it.
• A paint drip will always find the hole in the newspaper and land on the carpet underneath (and will not be discovered until it has dried).
• A dropped power tool will always land on the concrete instead of the soft ground (if outdoors) or the carpet (if indoors) - unless it is running, in which case it will fall on something it can damage (like your foot).
• If a dish is dropped while removing it from the cupboard, it will hit the sink, breaking the dish and chipping or denting the sink in the process.
• A valuable dropped item will always fall into an inaccessible place (a diamond ring down the drain, for example) - or into the garbage disposal while it is running.
• If you use a pole saw to saw a limb while standing on an aluminum ladder borrowed from your neighbor, the limb will fall in such a way as to bend the ladder before it knocks you to the ground.
• If you pick up a chunk of broken concrete and try to pitch it into an adjacent lot, it will hit a tree limb and come down right on the driver's side of your car windshield.
• More Laws of Selective Gravitation were sent by Jack from the Classic CKLW Page

• The greater the value of the rug, the greater the probability that the cat will throw up on it.
Sent by Ralph

• You will always find something in the last place you look.

• If your looking for more than one thing, you'll find the most important one last.
Sent by Alegna

• It is never in the last place you look. It is in the first place you look, but never discovered on the first attempt.
Sent by Peter

• After you bought a replacement for something you've lost and searched for everywhere, you'll find the original.
Sent by Dizzy

• You have to look where you lost it.
Sent by

• You will never leave a parking space without someone in an adjacent space leaving at the same time.
Sent by Sean Murphy

• The cost of the hair do is directly related to the strength of the wind.

• Great ideas are never remembered and dumb statements are never forgotten.

• The clothes washer/dryer will only eat one of each pair of socks.
EIGHT laws were sent by Charles L. Mays,
Thank you.

• When you see light at the end of the tunnel, the tunnel will cave in.
Sent by Fridrik Bjarnason
Or in another version
The light at the end of the tunnel is a train
Sent by Steve

• Cole's Law:
Thinly sliced cabbage.
Sent by Michael

• Being dead right, won't make you any less dead.
Having the right of way, won't make you any less dead.
Sent by anonymous

• Whatever you want, you can't have, what you can have, you don't want.

• Whatever you want to do, is Not possible, what ever is possible for you to do, you don't want to do it.

• Traffic is inversely proportional to how late you are, or are going to be.

• The complexity and frustration factor is inversely proportional to how much time you have left to finish, and how important it is.

The four last laws were sent by Joe
• Crespins law of observation:

the probability of being observed is in direct proportion to the stupidity of ones actions
Sent by R. Crespin esq.

• If you go to bed with an itchy ass, you wake up with smelly fingers.
Sent by Chris Davidsen, from Norway.

• A knowledge of Murphy's Law is no help in any situation.

• If you apply Murphy's Law, it will no longer be applicable.

• If you say something, and stake your reputation on it, you will lose your reputation.

• no matter where I go, there I am
Sent by John Davenport

• Where patience fails, force prevails.
Sent by Woody

• Murphy's Law Current Revision
Any thing that can go wrong, HAS Already Gone Wrong!
You just haven't been notified.

• The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not "Eureka!" but "That's funny..."
Said by Isaac Asimov

• A former colleague of Russell Cooper once claimed that Murphy had plagiarized his "Gamble's Law" which says that "The letter box is always on the other side of the road"

• Every rule has an exception except the Rule of Exceptions.
Sent by GL Roberts

• If your action has a 50% possibility of being correct, you will be wrong 75% of the time.
Sent by Bob Holdegraver

• If you plan for something to go wrong, and it doesn't go wrong, it would have been ultimately profitable for it to go wrong.
Sent by John Wilson

• Common sense isn't.
Sent by Joe Facchini

• The difference between Stupidity and Genius is that Genius has its limits.
Sent by Mark M Stevens

• The universe is great enough for all possibilities to exist.
Sent by Elizabeth A. Kennedy

• Those who don't take decisions never make mistakes.
Sent by Asier Zabarte

• The only price you pay for greatness is knowing that it can't last forever.
Sent by Taranis Valerin

• Anything that cant possible in a million years go wrong, will go wrong.

• Anything that seems right, is putting you into a false sense of security.

• If everything seems great, its already gone wrong.

• The only time you're right, is when its about being wrong.

• The only times something's right, is when everyone agrees its wrong.
The last five laws were sent by Thomas Wrobel

• If a Murphy law is tried to be used to have a desired outcome, the law will backfire.
Sent by Pat M.

• Its never so bad it couldn't be worse.
Sent by Raymond J. Gunn that says that his friend George Brabbs use to say it, then he died, now he wonders

• Murphy's Metalaw
Knowing Murphy's Law will never help.

• Occult Principle of Murphism
To know Murphy's Law is to draw its attention.

• Avoidance Law
If for some reason Murphy's Law fails to operate, it is building up for something big.

• Hermetic Murphism
As above, so below.

• The big catastrophes are made up of smaller ones.

• Buddha's Version of Murphy's Law
Decay is inherent in all things, strive unceasingly.

• Fleming's corollary:
Nothing ever gets better.

• Murphologist's Curse
Given time one can develop a sense of how Murphy's Law will act, but the Murphy Sense will tingle only after it is too late to keep the excreta from impacting the rotating blade based wind generator.
The last seven laws were sent by Azrias Mordax

• The probability that something can go wrong is directly proportional to the square of the amount of inconvenience it can cause you

• Everything that could possibly go wrong for anyone else always seems to happen to you

• Law of cooperatives
In any particular situation, if three things can go wrong, they usually do in sequence, each facilitating the occurrence of the next

The last three laws were sent by Takura Razemba
• Mr. Murphy warning:
Don't mess with Mrs. Murphy

• Mrs. Murphy's Law:
If something goes wrong, it's Mr. Murphy's fault.
Last two laws were sent by Frank O'Neal

• Mrs. Murphy's Law
If anything can go wrong it will, and when it does, the woman will get the blame
Sent by

• Lewis' Axiom
The person ahead of you in the queue, will have the most complex transaction possible
Sent by Robert Lewis

• Every problem is replaceable with a bigger one.
Sent by Nabeel

• Another name for Murphy's law: The law of conservation of misery
Sent by Achten

• Carvalheiro's deduction
If in a particular circumstance Murphy's law don't apply, then something must be wrong
Sent by Filipe Carvalheiro

• Sharad's Law
If Murphy's law is right then it will go wrong
Sent by Sharad Bhandari

• A law about websites:
The more important it is to get to a website, the greater the chance the server is down.
Sent by Shaunna

• Laws about this site:
The More the number of laws you claim to have, the more the number of laws you are going to miss.
Sent by Sathish

• This site won't open when you want to show someone what exactly Murphy laws are
Sent by Dinni

• Remember:
Shit happens

• Murphy's law is intrinsic.
Sent by wolfram

• And on the eighth day God said;"O.K. Murphy, you take over!
Sent by Robert A. Silvestri

• Larry Niven's summary of Murphy's Law:

The perversity of the universe tends to a maximum.
Sent by Kevin Boland

• The road to success is always under construction
By Anton Figg (?)

• If in a series events that could have gone wrong and didn't, It will have been ultimately beneficial for them to have gone wrong in the first place.
Sent by John Greeno

• Bralek's Rule for Success:
Trust only those who stand to lose as much as you.
Sent by Don Jackson

• whatever was supposed to happen, won't
Sent by TJ Engelking

• You can't expect the unexpected, otherwise there would be no need for the word unexpected

• You cant reason with the stupid
The last two laws were sent by Tye Boyce

• If you lose something that is replaceable (textbooks, clothing etc) as soon as you buy a replacement the original will surface.
Sent by Nancy Decker

• Clemens' Law
In any given situation, people will act so as to display the maximum possible amount of stupidity for that situation.

Clemens' Law short form

People are stupid.

Sent by Matt Clemens

• What goes in must come out.
Unless it's the other way around.
Sent by Jeff Smith

• Better to be a pessimist than an optimist because when you say the glass is half empty it will have to be refilled
Sent by Derek Drake

• Sooner or later, you will spill your beer

• Berneathys directional dichotomy
West is always East of somewhere

• Berneathys formula fact
Instruction manuals are for losers

• Berneathys guide theorem
You're only lost if you admit it

• Berneathys gravitational paradox
If gravity is all around us, why can't you push a fat dog down the stairs?
Last five laws were sent by Mike Berneathy

• Wet Law
A spoon placed in the sink will locate to maximize splash from the faucet

• Pack Rat's Law
All horizontal surfaces shall be filled to capacity

• Wife's Law
Anything worth doing is well worth over-doing
Anything over-done isn't worth the extra effort
Last three laws were sent by Doug Ebeling

• It's no the drop that kills you.... its the sudden stop
Sent by Martin Rowland

• and never forget O'Toole's Corollary or
Sod's Law or
McGillicuddy Law
Murphy was an optimist
Well, there are a lot of people who think he was an optimist, aren't there?
Or in other words:
someone else always seems to get the credit for your work.
The harder you work the more people there will be to claim credit except when it backfires.
You get all the credit for the dumb move.
Murphy was an extreme optimist!
Says Charles L. Mays

• And we'll end this page with something optimistic (don't hit me).
Don't worry about Murphy's Law, you know it's gonna happen anyway, so just get on with it and get it over with!
Sent by Ruth Beaty

  • 최창균 2010.05.16 04:00
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